In recent years, food safety issues are becoming increasingly sensitive all over the world because of the frequent occurrence of food safety scandals.  While people continue to pay attention to food safety in the food production process, they are also increasingly concerned about the logistics process.

Agricultural and Food Transporters Conference is the company to provide the freight transportation in the USA. They are looking forward to learning more about China’s cold chain project and exploring how they can align cold chain benchmarking study at Suzhou according to the agreement they made. They are interested in China’s way of leading cold chain projects, as they are doing it well for more than 50 years already.

AFTC is collaborating with the Suzhou logistics center to conduct a benchmarking study on the economics of cold chain logistics between the US and China. They all have a very good understanding of the current situation.  Moreover, they would provide needed expertise on the US situation and linkages between our systems and China.  They might also suggest discussions on participation and assistance in the benchmarking study so as to provide hard data for everyone to get a better understanding of some of the strong and weak points of the current system. 

Over the last 30 years, China’s rapid economic development has greatly improved people’s living standards.  As many people can increasingly afford better food products and have become more aware of environmental issues, they have become increasingly concerned about food safety and the logistics that support it.

Food safety also matters because it has the potential to create frictions in the trade relationship between China and its trading partners.  An improved Chinese system, with greater equivalence and harmonization, would reduce these problems and the threats they pose to trade.  Improving cold chain practices is also an opportunity.  USDA China has indentified cold chain problems as a major constraint to future U.S. exports such as meat products, fruit, diary and frozen foods. 

The result has been a rudimentary cold chain system established with a number of key food processing enterprises creating systems for their own products.  This includes firms handling frozen food, meat processing and dairy products as well as a large number of fast food chains and supermarkets.  Despite the ongoing development, China’s cold chain is still highly fragmented - with few companies having reach outside their home cities. 

The logistics industry is growing rapidly. And transporting food is quite an important problem nowadays. Thus this theme is actual and needs to be researched from all the sides. Thus if you need to be consulted about the question of transporting food using cold chains, now AFTC is competent in this. Or you can go to China and make researches about how they do it there and make your own way of doing business. As they say: it's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease.